Spark Bra Health Camp moved up on the Calendar

Spark Bra Health Camp moved up on the Calendar

The Body, Spirit, Heart, Mind and Soul are vital to make the human race seem human whatever happens to one of the above components has an effect on the other. They all work in harmony to make us what we are.

The Spark Bra is just part and parcel to the Body perspective of a human the female gender to be exact. This product is brought to you through a well-organized form of health talk, health checkups, and social get together for women. A chance for corporate females of various ages 22 years and above to interact with various experts, general practitioners/doctors professionals in the female anatomy.

Furthermore the questions women usually find awkward to ask will be answered brought to light and pointed out even the ones they never even thought of asking will be pointed out by the doctors.

The younger women will get a chance to interact with the older ones and learn something from them. Give each other advice.

As it is more of the body perspective it still has an effect on the mind which has effect on the soul which leads to the spirit equally being affected. A woman must be comfortable in her body and skin which will be a positive influence on the rest of her thus creating a fulfilled woman with a “Sparkle.”

Usually it is rare to see women have regular health check-ups ranging from dental check-ups to fertility check-ups or even a general visit to a doctor despite not being ill, the norm is that they are usually caught up in the day to day work routine to achieve a better living.

Yet if we extended these professional health services by experts from different fields like; Obstetrics, Gynecologist, Nutritionist, Fertility doctor, Pediatrician, General Doctor, Physician. We intend to carry out these services across the different companies in the different regions in Uganda for starters like Central, Eastern, Western and Northern through the branches and maybe regional exhibited businesses.

So far we have Pulse Specialist Clinic, Abacus, Guide2Uganda, BF Suma still in agreement with more other firms to have this day a success. We invite you on board to avail yourselves at only 20,000 shillings to be used to cover some of the operational costs. Come one, come all.

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