Shamed Businesswoman Allen’s New Nude Photos Leak

Shamed Businesswoman Allen’s New Nude Photos Leak

More nude pictures of city businesswoman, Allen Brandy have leaked to us. Allen Brandy as she calls herself on Facebook woke up to the shock of her life when the nude pictures widely showing her private parts were leaked to the social media by the wife of the man she sent the pictures to.10933364_10153496857571679_1922180576_n
Anila Kyomukunda Monroe shamed Allen on the day of the lord Sunday but she later put down the pictures on the request of Allen’s boyfriend although they had aready gone viral on Facebook and Whatsapp forums.10933362_10153496857301679_1901937632_n

961733_10153496857471679_832929593_nMore nude pictures of Allen she sent to someone’s husband have been sent to us. She is seen spreading her legs wide open as the pictures were taken. The snapper also closely took her private parts most especially her twins which were meant to lure the man into making love to her.Allen Brandy has since deleted her Facebook account after the nude photos scandal

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Allen Brandy has since deleted her Facebook account after the nude photos scandal

Allen has since deleted her Facebook account after the embarrassment and has not even appeared at her boutique or work place as tries to save her relationship from melting down.10942771_10153496857036679_1663101830_n



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