Shalom Kalule’s Nigerian lover dedicates her a love song

Shalom Kalule’s Nigerian lover dedicates her a love song

Former Sanyu FM mid morning show presenter Shalom Kalule’s Nigerian ‘babe’, Elvis Who, has just come out with a new song titled ‘Hello Baby’. This new jam is a celebration of love and shows off his amazing vocals that were in hiding in most of his previous singles.

Sources say the song is dedicated to his Ugandan girlfriend and former Sanyu FM presenter, Shalom Kalule. The two are currently living in Nairobi, Kenya.

Unlimited Internet - Uganda

Shalom and Elvis

This song is a beautiful mix of Afro beat and soul that would easily make you compare him to a Marvin Gaye.

When asked about his inspiration for the song, Elvis Who said that it came at a time when Shalom had traveled back to Uganda and the time apart and the emotions that came with it made him appreciate the relationship that they have.

Check out this intense cocktail of emotions in the video below;

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