SafeBoda launches new pair feature! SEE, PAIR and GO!
Today, SafeBoda has launched an exciting new feature that allows you to pair instantly with a SafeBoda rider on the street! Designed to be used in busy areas with a high volume of bodas available, the feature allows passengers to spot a SafeBoda rider, enter their helmet number into the app and match with them instantly. This means that passengers are still able to use the app, taking advantage of SafeBoda’s prices and the 20% discount applied to credit payments.
Co-CEO, Maxime Dieudonne says, “SafeBoda’s mission is to constantly innovate to make transportation in urban areas safer and more convenient. We are really excited about this new feature which will reduce waiting time to zero”.
This new feature is simple and easy to use in four steps: 1. Spot a SafeBoda rider close by 2. Tap PAIR in the app 3. Enter the rider’s helmet number 4. Match instantly with no waiting!
SafeBoda was founded in 2015 to bring innovation to the rapidly growing motorcycle taxi industry in Africa. At the click of a button SafeBoda provides a safe, convenient, mobile-first urban transportation solution for Africa’s booming young population.
Founded in Kyebando, Kampala, SafeBoda has built a community of 1,500 branded, equipped and trained boda drivers. Using the SafeBoda app, customers can be matched with a trained, professional driver for a safer boda experience. SafeBoda also has a wallet function, allowing customers to load ride credit using Mobile Money and take stress-free, cashless trips.
Their vision is to facilitate safe urban transportation to millions of Africans thus improving livelihoods and mobility across the continent.