Sad News: Cancer victim Carol Atuhirwe passes on in India
It is grief again in Kampala after learning the news of the passing on of peoples’ friend and cancer fighter, Carol Atuhirwe.

RIP: Carol Atuhirwe
Carol Atuhirwe of the famous ‘Save Carol Campaign’ passed on last evening in India where she was receiving specialised cancer treatment from. She died of throat and lung cancers.
Carol left the country a year ago for cancer surgery in India after a successful public campaign raised over Shs 360m that was needed for her treatment abroad.
She has been battling the dangerous disease for the last six years. Carol was supposed to travel to US for surgery but doctors later pulled out forcing her to head to India.
The family is set to release an official statement about her death. The general public raised Shs 353m of the 270m she needed for her treatment. The much publicized campaign made her a ‘sweetheart of Ugandans’. May her soul RIP.
Friends and family took to social media to mourning the passing of a great fighter. Below are some of the messages;

St. Muhereza Kyamutetera: Our Atuhirwe Carol has finally gone to be with the Lord. Thanks all Ye for the fight. Details will be communicated later.
Faithful Gloria Fiderity; Wen u were leaving for India with my girls Doryn Nabaasa and everyn Evelyne Nabasa we had one wish that wen u return (in our hearts convinced that u wud be fine) that we call and gather pipo at nambole stadium for a welcome and healing party,,, oh nooo little did we know that that party God and his angels were preparing it in heaven,,, ur charming smiles will always be fresh to us,, oh gosh I remember the letter u wrote to me wen I was primary six, the care u gave me wen I joined form one, then even wen I found at UCU dear Carol,,, u made me feel at home,,, for ur big heart that loved unconditionally
I have all reasons to celebrate u Carol though its too dark in my heart at the moment,,, Angels must be dancing tirelessly this I know,,
To all Ugandans that’s for the love u showed us in #the save carol Campaign may the good lord bless u all richly mukazi, the strongest fighter by far sleep well Darling Atuhirwe Carol till we meet again.
Tumwesigye Bruno; What do i write about you Atuhirwe Carol.I could write a book.Thank you for teaching us that even when we are walking in a shadow of death,we can still smile and fear no evil,thank you for teaching us resilence,thank you for teaching us that yes we can if we try,thank you for bringing Ugandans together for a common cause and thank you for making us believe in love and Humanity again.It was a good fight you fought, it was a joint effort put up by people all over,common people and it was a battle won. You go to slumber as a victor and a heroine to many. For i will miss your smile amidst pain ,your writings and world views about life .I choose to celebrate your life and not mourn you.Thank you everyone for the efforts in saving carol. SLEEP WELL MY SISTER. FARE THE WELL .MAY THE LORD REST YOUR SOUL IN PEACE.
Doryn Nabaasa; GOD LOVES THE BEST.
Muhimbise Enock Decaprio; So the sad news strike in of how our beloved Carol has fallen from India where she had been getting the cancer treatment! Dear Lord receive the innocent soul of Carol. Rest in peace dear sister. We shall always be inspired by uo smile. And we still say thank u to all Ugandans for the generous #saveCarol contributions and prayers.
Shantel Denzel Izaguirre; Jesus please receive Atuhirwe Carol peacefully. We bless your name for the time she has been with us. It’s painful. Rip kakazi.