Rhoda K Shelbie set for Uganda Youth Convention UK 2018

Rhoda K Shelbie set for Uganda Youth Convention UK 2018

Things are getting on well for the forthcoming Uganda Youth Convention UK 2018, we can confirm. Preparations are going on well and organisers have confirmed to us the line up of performers at the event is a great one.

It’s pretty interesting for the annual youth gathering and the latest reaching us is that diva Rhoda K Shelbie is set to unveil her talent at the upcoming Uganda Youth Convention UK 2018 slated for May 26th 2018. The convention will take place at Royal Regency Hall, Manor Park 501 High Street North Manor Park London E12 6TH. The ‘Banyiga Wa’ has promised the biggest performance on the night at the After Party.

The Uganda Youth Convention UK 2018 is a unique grass root organization that is going to provide counselling support services to the young youth from the Diaspora community.

Holiday youth camp (Young to youth holiday camp) where the youth will stay for holidays and be taught a lot of activities like sports, vocational studies. Computer literacy, and various camping and other domestic chores.

Gates open from 9:00am to 6:00pm then after to the event from theatre till 4:00am.

Entrance fee is £30 and VIP at £50. Registration is ongoing now through their website http://ugandayouthconventionuk.org/

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