Police officer accused of grabbing family property

Police officer accused of grabbing family property

Remmie Male has revealed that her sister has caused family rift using her police ranks. She said her sister Aisha ever since she joined police, things have turned against their family with the police officer grabbing family property using her Police connections.

All those who believe in the justice of sharing the truth of your story please share!

I have been approved to share this story of a very close friend Remmie Male on the journey to find justice for her family. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni I hope you read this (truth be told your alone today in the matters that regard running this country) it’s true.

In a nutshell Uganda police is a batch of mafias and thieves.

I remember many years ago I thanked God for letting my sister Aisha (cousin) who I loved deeply join the esteemed organization called Uganda police.

Little did I know the corrupt institution was going to turn her into a thief!

There she came to my father who helped raise her since my Father Hajji Male was not just brother but best friends with her Father Hajji Kayongo and put him on gun point and put all other family members in matters concerning land to gain property hook or crook!

Please note we were such a loving close family before the poison Uganda police joined our union.

Now we are very divided and super shocked that such evil can happen in our midst.

My father was given his father’s land and he even built the structures in it in his youth, now in retirement his niece in police came for him and they pulled him by the lapels of his shirt on gun point to throw him off the property the entire family knew was his! So two camps were created, the ones for justice and the greedy who want to share in the police spoils.

Now that was Ndejje, then came family land in Masaka and while we were still recovering from that the mighty family police officer ran for more land in Mityana! Kona dance, my dad’s wealth now belongs to my mighty police officer of a sister!

Please note they have tried justice to help them, court which also turns out to be another shameful institution in Uganda. Then police which my sister literally owns! Wow! Remember she is very beautiful and educated, which turned to poison when she cultivated a thieving cold heart ❤️!

Now let’s not touch my mummy’s family the Gava family where a greedy sister decided she wanted to sell off our burial grounds in Munyonyo!

Now this one is a super funny one, my grandfather gave so much wealth to his children in prime areas, Munyonyo, Buziga, Kibuli, Mengo, Lubaga and Kamwokya to mention but a few!

Personally a granddaughter I own my own crib thanks to my grandpa in the city center so that’s the kind of generous hard working man am talking about.

He helped build Moslem Schools to boost education and the spread of Islam in my country Uganda! He was a noble man, a philanthropist who touched many lives while he walked this earth!

When he died the moslem society asked that they burry him at Kibuli mosque and the then still loving children fought to have him at his home to sleep well close to his family and loving wife!

Joke of all jokes this greedy daughter of his started paying police to help her unearth him from that little square plot, the only piece he saved himself to have his final resting place. This greedy daughter also wants to sell off all family burial grounds in Munyonyo, throw all dead bodies on the dustbin and enjoy the money! Please note she is eighty and we are all wondering what a very old woman will do with billions of shillings. I know some of you think why are we still burying in town but for us that’s all the village we know and we would be happy to by land somewhere else as a consensus if these greedy thieves with their police thugs could let the family sit on a round table and handle wealth and burial ground matters together!

I thank God on my mother’s side no greedy camps were formed, only the greedy auntie is raining terror on them all using the corrupt thieves and mafias that run Uganda police!

When I rant about the loopholes government has brought on us through land policies and reviews that has equipped thugs to terrorize families I know what am talking about!

I come from prestigious families I grew up excited to let people know about my heritage but today, I feel like am watching a Hollywood horror movie!

That said my name is Remmie Male a savant of the most high God, daughter of Jehovah God, sister to Jesus Christ of Nazereth, watch as my God deals with the entire body of thugs and mafias right from leadership simply because my God says touch not my anointed!

Watch this space God is going to re-organize things just because among the people suffering the brunt of Uganda police and Government Leadership Mafias are Savants of God like myself!

Be blessed, Be hopeful in God, Keep praying, the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much! I will be back to post about my testimony and miracles soon! Ask my Zimbabwean family who never saw it coming!

For God and my country! Remmie Male

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