Photos: Here is a look at National Water and Sewerage Corporation’s largest sewage treatment plant

Photos: Here is a look at National Water and Sewerage Corporation’s largest sewage treatment plant

Here are the photos showing a bird’s eye view of the largest sewage treatment plant in East and central Africa under construction at Wankoko Bugolobi.

Here are the Quick Facts about the plant

Unlimited Internet - Uganda

The plant will generate 630kw of power from biogas, Treat 45million litres of waste water per day.Clean up Kampala City and the Environment by diverting treating water from the heavily polluted Nakivubo channel before releasing the water into Lake Victoria.

Built with a rigorous odour treatment process.(The plant will be nuisance free to the environment)
The plant will serve over 850,000 people in Kampala.

The Project is funded by the Government of Uganda, NWSC, African Development Bank, European Union and KFW.

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