Phaneroo, Christ Heart to sign off 2015
Phaneroo and Christ Heart Ministries to sign off 2015 with their annual overnight on 31st December dubbed ‘Better is the end of things’ at UMA upper gardens Lugogo.
This annual gathering with the word of God, miracles, healings and prophecies is expected to change, impart and impact many lives in their walk in Christ.
Phaneroo fellowship will sign out 2015 on 31st December at UMA
The main speakers of the day shall be Bishop Isaiah Mbuga and Apostle Grace Lubega with worship led by New Testament, Dora Kay, Pastor Myco Chris, and Martin Sseku among others.
The event shall kick off at 4pm and “….there is going to be fire…..”said Bishop Isaiah Mbuga, when asked about the overnight. The overnight is expected to attract approximately 8000 people from all walks of life.