OPM to prosecute its Staff found guilt in Kyangwali land wrangles

OPM to prosecute its Staff found guilt in Kyangwali land wrangles

Hon. Minister for Disaster Preparedness and Management, Eng. Hillary Onek, shares a light moment with leaders and residents of Kyangwali Refugee Settlement, after addressing their issues of land conflicts and insecurity.
He ordered Police to arrest any wrong elements causing chaos and sabotaging the resettlement exercise in Kyangwali.
He assured the people that government is committed to investigating any allegations of land grabbing, and all those involved will face the arm of the law.
He also urged the people to desist from blaming every problem on OPM as an office. He said that  OPM is a huge office with hundreds of employees,  some of whom may be indisciplined, and should be blamed as individuals.
He warned that any staff under Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) found responsible for land problems in Kyangwali after  the investigations , will be prosecuted.
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