‘Nothing kills dreams like Negative thinking which translates into FEAR’ – Olivia Ziwa    

‘Nothing kills dreams like Negative thinking which translates into FEAR’ – Olivia Ziwa    

I USED to be afraid of the unknown: I used to wonder what life would be tomorrow; if things will fall in line or worsen as I grow up& take On more responsibilities coz I always heard older people say life is hard”; Ensi ejudde ebizibu” , never trust anyone etc.

Conversations drawn to my ears were of people in debts; people displaced; families starving; lack of school fees; sickness and unemployment among other negative encounters::: The thought that these things are out there and they could possibly happen to me & to my family or friends scared me.

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The more time I spent thinking about how to avoid them is the more afraid I became. Little did I know that every little thought digs into another building a huge mountain of impossibilities in ONE’S MIND:

*** Until I started to look at it this way****

These were facts of life! REALITY IS Everyone has faced one or two of these problem and these were at some point obstacles BUT they are still standing meaning they overcame SO there is hope that Every situation will pass at some point.( am thinking that’s a good start) it’s called ” HOPE” that something good will come out of your situation, hope that it’s going to get better, hope that there are some things that EVEN YOU can’t solve BUT GREATER Hope that there is a Super Power ABOVE ALL ELSE that can SOLVE IT ALL; ohh YES GOD CAN if you trust HIM.

He can never give you more than you can handle: SO whatever your going through today, Know that YOU CAN HANDLE IT.

I came to the realization that the MIND, TONGUE and HANDS have the power to Make or Break ambitions, dreams or even Life.

What your mind believes your tongue will confess and your hands with the help of your feet will perfectly execute:

Therefore it starts with your mindset; if you are stuck in the “I CAN’T”; THEY ARE JUST LUCKY” I WILL SEAT HERE& WAIT FOR MY TURN;” EBYO BYABAGAAGA” ” WHO AM I, I CANT GO TO THAT PLACE, “WHAT IF I FAIL?, “WHAT IF MY WORDS DON’T MAKE SENSE! “AM TOO SHY TO SPEAK” “Ffe twabaki?” ” If i do, they will laugh at me” BUT I WAS TOLD I CAN’T” NO ONE IN MY FAMILY or CLAN has SUCCEEDED —ZONE then your mind will believe it’s really impossible to make it or to be the person you wish to become hence you stuck in procrastination, anxiety and defeat:::: You will watch the strong headed succeed in envy as your dreams die out::(but would you rather?):: THE CHOICE IS YOURS- I  say YOU CHOOSE TO STEP OUT TODAY: choose to at least try; you can’ t say it’s impossible without trying and even if you fail try again:

I speak to several young people who say they want to be this and that but they are too shy or afraid to speak or try and when I share my story of how I used to be very shy and super quiet could not step out to do anything coz I was afraid, what if it all goes wrong? Or what if I make a mistake? So i just sat back..And they are in shock and in disbelief “the OLIVIA ZIWA they see On TV seems super confident and eloquent without a trace of ever being shy:::

That’s my point exactly I PUSHED THROUGH coz NO ONE IS BORN SHY; and it’s amazing what I found on the other side!! THE REAL ME…. So you do have a choice sweetheart to either mask yourself as shy which won’t get you anywhere or do something about it***


Get up and chase your Dream Today.

Step Out of your comfort zone or your shy corner and Try and when it doesn’t go well TRY AGAIN until you Get it..

YOU CAN!!!!!



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