Next Media Services: Overcoming a pandemic to continue growing

Next Media Services: Overcoming a pandemic to continue growing

Job losses and cut wages have characterized the employment field throughout the COVID-19 pandemic so far, yet at Plot 13, Summit View Road in Naguru, growth and stability seem to be the norm. Under the stellar leadership of media mogul Kin Kariisa, none of the above has happened. As Uganda undergoes yet another lockdown, the media house has announced a job opening, this time seeking out a Chief Content Officer.

The first lockdown was no different – Next Media reassured their staff that, unlike their industry colleagues, none of their wages or benefits would be affected, something they managed to achieve, on top of moving into what is now their residence at Naguru.

Unlimited Internet - Uganda

Recent reports continue to portray their array of brands as some of the most interactive and sought out brands. However, even those with seemingly negative sentiment still prove how much Ugandans rely on them for information. IPSOS’ Central Viewership Survey 2020 had their NBS Television as the station to rely on for live broadcast, with up to 7 households in every ten choosing what is dubbed the Political Command Centre.

With such initiatives, it is almost easy to understand why some of their personalities will almost always have something positive to post, either in content promotion, explaining a few things related to the company, or straight out defending it.

Now that is how to build the biggest multimedia group for East Africa, like the branding on their second tower under construction reads.

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