Nana Weber launches Inyange Family charity drive in Entebbe
City socialite, commercial model, fashionista and humanitarian Nana Weber reel name Hyacinthe Natugonza on Sunday 15th July launched her Inyange Family charity drive at Entebbe General Referral hospital (Grade B) in Entebbe.
Nana Weber lead her arm Inyange Family Uganda which also included visiting members from Rwanda to the hospital where they first carried out a general cleaning of the health facility before handing over items worth millions of shilling to each and every patient at the hospital.
“I love sharing because I was born with a good heart. This is my first charity drive in Uganda and i hope to do another in next few months. I will be visiting one of the orphanages here,” Nana said.
After a successful charity event, Nana led her Inyange Family to a fun filled boat cruise which she sponsored. The boat cruise event ended around 8pm and the family to club Knight Riders in Entebbe for the ‘After Party’ till wee hours of Monday morning.
There was also visiting Inyange Family of Rwanda which is also owned by Nana Weber. She also plans on extending her charity arm to all countries of East Africa in the next few years. Salute to you Nana Weber for the good heart!!!!