My first breakup was like hell – Flavia Tumusiime
Radio and television personality Flavia Tumusiime has revealed that her first relationship breakup was like something in hell. She said this as she gave her life story on the day 16 of the 30 days of Flavia story. “My first breakup was tough because I didn’t have any inside identify of the person I was dating,” she said. On day 17 of her 3o days of Flavia story, she talks about perception. Below is her story on day 16 and 17 of the 30 days of Flavia story.
Flavia Tumusiime has continued to give us what has been going on through her life
Day 16: Independent woman; It has been tough for me to comfortably define myself as an independent woman. I used to think it is about putting your foot down and proving you can do just as or better than a man. My first breakup was tough because i didn’t have an identity outside of the person i was dating. I had dreams and ambitions but had to shy away from them because i didn’t want to surpass the man or overshadow his success. So regardless of his support of what i wanted to do, i just couldn’t bring myself to be that confident. I used to talk myself into quitting my career many times and looked for answers everywhere and the failure to balance my personal with professional always took a toll on me. I was told to slow down and be careful not to be too successful so that i can attract a man and not be intimidating. My mother gave me words of advice – “a woman was made to be nurturing, precious and her vulnerability and emotions are actually strength not weakness. It doesn’t matter how educated you are, how much money you have, how many people you know or how famous you are. If you don’t know your role and definition as a woman and respect yourself and those in your life, you will look for respect with your money and education you will never have it.” Respect yourself and all around you and learn to balance your role as a woman with your individuality. ?#?30daysofflavia?[adrotate banner=”3″] Day 17: Perception; I was attending a friend’s giveaway (kuhingira)and i sat next to a beautiful lady, we greeted each other and i got to know that she was actually a relative to the bride(my friend). After a few minutes she turned and said “you look like someone i know” i said nooo maybe you are mistaken. I was out of luck that day because there was a copy of Red Pepper on the table and i was on the front page among celebrities who are still single haahaa. She said “i knew i had seen your face somewhere”. She went on and on and then got to the awkward part of her conversation. “But you famous people, where do you get people to date? Because i can’t imagine a man marrying a woman that other men look at all the time. Do you even know how to cook? Hurry up and focus and leave that funny media business so that you can settle down.” Well i was not surprised because i have heard this many times and continue to hear it. Relationships are the same…amazing, full of heartwarming moments and also painful moments.
Flavia said her first breakup was like hell
This is true whether you are famous or not. It was a choice i made to not discuss my private relationships in public because its not proper and it also overwhelms the 2 involved if you have third parties telling you what they think of your relationship. That said, the lady had voiced what many people perceive women in media as…even my own family has reservations sometimes but you see, we each deal with finding a partner our own way, and one needs to not let everyone’s opinion take you into a relationship or marriage to please the crowd. Because when the hype and noise of the crowd is gone, it’s your decisions you are left with. ?#?30daysofflavia?