Mbarara babe’s nudes leak

Mbarara babe’s nudes leak

Nude photos of a babe said to be the daughter of Late Eriya Kategaya have leaked on social media.


Shallon Nasasira has had her nudes leaked to social media platform WhatsApp. She took pictures in one of the lodges in Mbarara and is the latest sensation to serve nude-hungry Ugandans with a series of nudes and is a subject matter or jokes and mockery.


On WhatsApp groups, Shallon’s nudes are selling like hot cake and everyone that lands on them is filled with regret after their sight is distorted with not so pleasant ‘features’.


In the nudes, Shallon is seen posing nude for her lover after the two had a number of romps and when they were going to shower in a guest house in Mbarara town.


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