Lingerie model Nina Mirembe off the shelf

Lingerie model Nina Mirembe off the shelf

City supermodel Nina Mirembe is finally off the hook after she was engaged yesterday. The sizzling model was surprised with an engagement ring at Blankets and Wine at Uganda Museum on Sunday by her unidentified boyfriend.

Nina with her new man at Blanket & Wine on Sunday

Nina showing off engagement ring with her new man at Blanket & Wine on Sunday

“I’m speechless….wow I’m officially taken Mrs…. May God take the lead, I am engaged. The Blankets and Wine Kampala 2015 10th edition to remember!! What a day,” she posted. [adrotate banner=”3″]

The engagement comes weeks after the lingerie and swimsuit model signed a deal in the Middle-East and UK. She is now with the Turkish giant store LC Waikiki. The model however has not publically revealed who the boyfriend is and the picture she posted, she cut off his face. Showbiz Uganda would like to congratulate her upon the engagement.

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