Jewel of The Nile International Beauty Pageant tickets on sale

Jewel of The Nile International Beauty Pageant tickets on sale

Tickets for The Jewel of the Nile International Beauty Pageant are on sale. The charity pageant will take place on 20th August 2016 at Bax Banqueting Suites, Jinja. Tickets go for 40k (£10) VIP and table 25k.


“When u Receive An International Phone Call, The Voice Behind It Sounds So American & The Words Coming Through Are 5 VIP Tickets To Support The Jewel Of The Nile Cause. Am Like Mayor Of Washington DC Caroli Mpoza You So Dam Cool. Thank You So Much. You Too Can Support This Cause Tickets Still Available,” Nancy Mugga posted.

Nancy Mugga

Nancy Mugga

Jewel Of The Nile is a Charitable International Beauty Pageant aiming to instill a charitable spirit into the younger generation by encouraging them to fundraise money for charities of their own choice.

The pageant further aims to promote Jinja Busoga tourism where contestants will display a creative wear around various sectors of tourism.

15 Charitable ladies between the age of 18-27 will resume the role of a possible Jewel from 7th July 2016 and will start raising money for their charities and also carry out community activities before they brace the run way on 20th August 2016.

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