I have watched you sleep with our house maids for 15 years, Dorothy tells heartbreaking story as she tries to force Herbert Shonga to sign divorce papers

I have watched you sleep with our house maids for 15 years, Dorothy tells heartbreaking story as she tries to force Herbert Shonga to sign divorce papers

Dorothy Shonga has called on her estranged husband Herbert Shonga to sign divorce papers. She accused him of having slept with their house maids for 15 years though she forgave him but added that time is now.

“When you over press the nose, it bleeds,” Dorothy said. Here is her full statement;

Unlimited Internet - Uganda

“Herbert Shonga, you were never taught that when a nose is over pressed it bleeds. Just seen your live video where you claimed you refused to sign the divorce papers because they are fake coz we got married in Uganda. You forget you are a citizen of Malawi too and you wont run away from this. I have attached your passport in case you have forgotten you have one. For 15 years i have watched you sleep with our house maids, my friends and everyone you came across . I have forgiven you for 15 years thinking you will change, i was wrong. You thought am your toy coz i always took you back for the sake of our children. Now the nose you pressed has bled profusely for no blood is left.

You will sign those papers, am done and will never look back. Enjoy your prostitutes and new found girlfriends.
And after this, am coming for both cars because the purchase money transferred directly from my account and both log books are in my names. Coz u drive them in Kampala to show off doesn’t make u the purchaser. I have seen your prostitutes driving the cars aswell u forgot their genesis.i spend nights in my bed and wear my clothes as i hassle to take care of our children. Your children are living a good life because i work so hard for them as you look for skirts to undress.
Enough is Enough. You have ashamed me and made me a laughing stock on social media coz you cant keep your pants closed for a second. Sign the papers and you are free to live as a freelancer coz you have always told me you prefer being one
I need to be happy again and you wont stop me.
#HerbertShongaSignTheDivorcePapers,” Dorothy posted.

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