How Aly Alibhai gave me romantic proposal – Sylvia Namutebi

How Aly Alibhai gave me romantic proposal – Sylvia Namutebi

City music and events promoter Aly Alibhai proposed to former Miss Uganda Sylvia Wilson Namutebi a few months ago. The couple is expecting their first child a few months from now ahead of their wedding. Sylvia told how her lover proposed to her. Read on…

Following last week’s article in the Monitor newspaper about my relationship journey and how Aly proposed to me, some people thought that it’s P-Square that did the proposal. Well nope, am going to tell my proposal story because I don’t want anything to ruin it. Aly gave me my perfect proposal just the one I wanted. Cozy, romantic and most of all private.

He  had everything planned out, on that evening he asked me to dress up because he wanted to take me to dinner, so I said OK, earlier in the day I’d found a bottle of expensive champagne in the fridge and I wondered why was it there but I ignored it, after dressing up I see it on the table! I say to him u know I can’t drink why is that bottle there, he told oh u will have some, I said nope I put it back in the fridge, he put it out again! I told him what’s wrong with u and champagne today! He told me never mind go and finish dressing up, so i did, when I come out the room, he had everything set up! While in South Africa, he got P-Square to record a massage for me, so he asked me to sit down and look at the TV, he played the clip.

Aly Alibhai proposing to Sylvia Namutebi

Aly Alibhai proposing to Sylvia Namutebi

They first sung one of my favorite songs ‘no one like you’ after which they said, “Sylvia Aly has a special massage for you, so sit back and listen to what his got to say’ at which point Aly got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! Up to now I didn’t know what was going on! I was like did P-Square just say my name, are they having a song called Sylvia??

And what is Aly doing on his knees! His meanwhile holding my hand trying to start putting the ring! Am like honey get up what are u doing!! At this point am totally confused! So his like OK we have to do this again, take 2! he asks me if I’m calm, he asks me to sit, he tells me please look at the screen and watch, he plays the clip all over again, P-Square start the song ‘hallo how u doing my angel my one and only…the only one that am missing…’ u know the rest of the words, it’s a beautiful song! This time I understand what is happening, I prepare my answer in my head, I wanted to make a joke and say ‘no’ lol?? [adrotate banner=”3″]

But I was like yeah that will ruin the moment he may get a heart attack!?? but I knew what my answer was going to be, I took a moment and I said yes, yes I will marry you, he took the ring out and put it on my finger, he asked me if I liked it, I said yes its beautiful just what I wanted, gold with 21 small diamonds, he said I got the best for the best girl, I said thank you babe, he said love u babe, i said love u too, he said I have a dinner planned, I know you can’t drink alcohol now but am going to open this bottle of champagne and ask you to have one glass with me, I said yes baby I will have a glass of champagne with you! We went to the dinner, popped champagne, we went out to tell family and close friends who continued to buy us all sorts of drinks! i told bae, you are going to have to drink for the both of us! He said don’t worry i got u covered, he was true to his word!??

We celebrated till sun rise, we didn’t want the moment to End we wanted the day to be longer and we kept awake until our eyes couldn’t stay open anymore time check about 9am the following day! he said when we wake up am going to wake next to my fiancee you are not my girlfriend anymore, i looked at him and told him the same… we slept off knowing we have fully lived a moment that we each will never have again and it was perfect! That was my proposal day and I’ll tell the story for many years to come. Thank you my love for making this day perfect for us, I wouldn’t change anything!

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