Great Lakes Energy Company Hands Over 5 Brand New Cars to COVID-19 Taskforce

Great Lakes Energy Company Hands Over 5 Brand New Cars to COVID-19 Taskforce

Kampala: Great Lakes Energy Company (GLE) – the investors of Kabulasoke Solar Power Plant, in Kabulasoke, Uganda – has today handed over five brand new Nissan Double Cabin Pick-ups worth 134,300 US Dollars (approximately UG Shillings 507.6m) to Hon. Mary Okurut, the Minister In Charge of General Duties and the head of the Government Covid-19 taskforce.

The five cars will help transport medical workers and distribute food across Uganda as the country continues to curb the COVID-19 pandemic.

GLE has always contributed to the communities that they operate inacross Africa by supporting sustainable development projects, mainly in Health, Education and Conservation.

Commenting on the donation, GLE Director Michael Kearns said: Given the gravity of the ongoing pandemic, we felt it prudent to respond to the President of Uganda’s appeal for additional logistical support to boost the Ministry of Health’s fleet. We are honored to contribute to the alleviation of the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda by donating these 5-brand new pick-up trucks that will be used to transport food and medical workers to the areas they are needed the most”, he noted.

Speaking on behalf of the COVID-19 taskforce, Hon. Mary Okurutthanked GLE for the donation that will go a long way in providing additional support to the taskforce as it implements the different interventions to curb the spread of the virus.

Guided by two main pillars of strengthening healthcare infrastructureand providing assistance to the most vulnerable communities, GLEallocates funds, separate to the operational business expenditure, to support chosen philanthropic and Corporate Social investment endeavors. Last year, the company worked with local partners to fund a health outreach activity in Rushere district as well as a youth sports tournament to teach Uganda youth about teamwork and leadership.

This donation is part of Janus Continental Group’s Africa-wide COVID-19 response and shows the huge potential of public and private sector partnership, bolstering the efforts of civil society and healthcare institutions. Standing together with governments and societies, JCG is guided by the WHO call for whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In January 2019, GLE completed the $25 million Uganda-based Kabulasoke solar power plant developed in conjunction with the Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Ltd. The 24MW solar power plant, which is already connected to the national grid, serves over five million people in rural Uganda.

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