Gov’t through NWSC to implement water project in Rukungiri
The Government of Uganda through Ministry of Water and Environment and National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) is implementing a water management and development project in Rukungiri.
The project commenced in July 2016 and is expected to be complete by September 2017.
The scope of works for Rukungiri water supply system (Phase 1) includes;
-Construction of new intake at Kahengye River
-Raw water rising pumping mains (3Nos. uPVC DN250)
-Construction of new water treatment plant at Kabingo village, Kebisoni

-Clear water rising transmission main, DN350 DI
-Construction of 700m3 RCC master balancing Reservoir at Mukazi Hill.
-Construction of admin, power and generator & Electro-mechanical workshop building.
-Laying of 39Km of distribution mains ( DN400, DN300, DN 250 & DN200 uPVC )
Phase 1 will be completed by September 2017.
Phase 2
-Construction of 1000m3 and 300m3 RCC Reservoirs at Rwanyakashesha and Bwoma respectively
-Construction of 400m3, 200m3, & 100m3 RCC reservoirs in Buyanja, Kebisoni and Rwerere
-Laying of 20Km of distribution mains
-Construction of a lagoon
Upon completion, the project will help improve the lives of our people in the region. #Water4all
Meanwhile NWSC has released a mini film highlighting the ongoing water works across the country.
Watch the NWSC Mini Film to catch a glimpse of ongoing works to improve and better the lives of people of Uganda.
Click here to watch the video; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QesEaLclwUU