Frank Gashumba backs First Lady on the idea of opening schools at 9:00am

Frank Gashumba backs First Lady on the idea of opening schools at 9:00am

Economic, civil and human rights activist, Frank G Gashumba has backed the first lady on the proposal that schools should open at 9:00am. The motivational speaker voiced his support to the first lady through his Facebook wall. Below is what he wrote;

First Lady Janet Museveni wants schools to open at 9:00am

First Lady Janet Museveni (C) wants schools to open at 9:00am

“I do not subscribe to the ‘yellow’ ideology but as a genuine parent I strongly support the First Lady on having schools open at 9am.

As a social and economic activist and a motivational speaker, I have visited hundreds of schools, kindergartens, universities among other learning centers.

Why would schools manage lives of our children? It is only in Uganda where you find a kindergarten child aged 5 years or below at 4.30am in a taxi heading to town!

Again it is in Uganda where you find school buses and shuttle cars picking children from various city suburbs as early as 4am!

To make matters even worse, schools in the name of minimizing costs collect children for instance from Ggaba and make them traverse different suburbs to pick their schoolmates.

By the time the kids picked early in the day reach school they are already tired, frustrated and exhausted making them unfit to grasp in class.

Frank Gashumba has backed the idea of the First Lady

Frank Gashumba has backed the idea of the First Lady

Upon reaching school, the children are given work as if they are doing a PHD at Havard University!

When did Kindergarten schools become research centers? Why are aiding our own children to get frustrated of education at an early due to the heavy workload!

Please if am wrong, anyone can use any search engine or an English Dictionary to find out what really a Kindergarten is!

In this regard, kindergarten is a place where kids go to play and fun, basically to socialize unfortunately in Uganda it is exactly the opposite!

Indeed a recent study at Oxford University UK revealed that 98% of children tend to concentrate in class after 11am. Now the question will be, if they tend to concentrate after 11am; why would they leave homes at 4am!


If I can ask, for the last 20 years our children have gone through this ‘dead’ syllabus, Can anyone tell me one small innovation that has come out of Uganda?

All major innovations that have transformed humankind have roots in Europe, China, US among other parts of the world, talk of social media innovations like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook among others.

So as parents, I think we should support the First Lady on this because it never so happen that schools do love our children more than us the parents. I know some kindergarten that beats children for not putting full stops and commas and when I tell you what happens in O and A Level schools, you may collapse.

If you are a Parent, Please share it.

SisimukaUganda .

Teri Kulinda Kulala.Changing Mindsets. Creating Self Belief. Transforming Lives & Communities.

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