Bryan White invites Bettina Tumuhaise to the podium

Bryan White invites Bettina Tumuhaise to the podium

Socialite and proud farmer Bettina Tumuhaise aka Bettina Praising has been invited to Bryan White Foundation podium to bring her proposal and present budget for her farmers. 

Bettina Tumuhaise

The former music producer at 93.3 KFM turned farmer wrote an open letter to the fight against poverty activist, Bryan White, through her Facebook platform. 

Unlimited Internet - Uganda

Bryan White has invited Bettina Tumuhaise to present her farmers’ case

The CEO Bryan White Foundation managed to read the letter after it was published by several online media outlets. 

Bettina in her garden

And after receiving her concern, Bryan White instructed his team to call Bettina and invite her to the foundation offices tomorrow Monday 7th 2018 May with her printed farmers budget which she wrote in the letter she posted.

In the letter, Bettina wrote Bryan White requesting to fund the budget in which she wanted to buy several farming tools for 300 farmers back in her farming village in Zirobwe, Gayaza Kyadondo. 

At night, Bettina spares some time to party

This is Bettina’s second letter after her first open letter to Bobi Wine didn’t get the response.

Stella, Bryan White’s PA confirmed to us that Bettina’s concern was received and she is set to meeting podium boss this Monday 7th May 2018

This Monday 7th May 2018 meeting could turn out to be milestone for the ‘proud farmer’ Bettina and her inspired local farmers in Zirobwe. Below us the letter;



Dear Bryan White

I am a farmer by day and a party Animal by night.

In short i am not your ordinary normal farmer. When you say my name you add #proudfarmer

I represent most of my Farmers from my village Kakooni-Vvumba and I also encourage people especially daughters of women to join farming.

I have been writing down a budget to give you and every time I forget to include seeds (esingo)

Below is the budget.

1-Hoes (enkubi) 300 farmers @15,000= 4,500,000/=

2- Pangas (jambiya) 300 farmers @10,000 = 3,000,000/=

3-Seeds (ensigo) 2,000kgs of Beans @3,500 = 7,000,000/=

TOTAL =14,500,000/=

Eno ye budget Yaffe?????? ??mugyebale koo ??

Back to drying my Maize in peace


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