BOU’s Justine Bagyenda set to be investigated by IGG

BOU’s Justine Bagyenda set to be investigated by IGG

Bank Of Uganda (BOU) Executive Director in charge of supervision, Justine Bagyenda, is set to be investigated by the Inspector General of Government (IGG), it has been revealed.

Sources say that the Inspector General of Government (IGG) is in final preparations to investigate the Bank of Uganda Executive Director in charge of supervision on the allegations that she evaded paying income tax for ten years on revenues earned from her Naguru Apartments.

Unlimited Internet - Uganda

To Face IGG Investigations: Justine Bagyenda

The ‘filthy’ rich Bagyenda is said to have rented her apartments to the top officials of the defunct Crane Bank, earning millions of shillings without paying income tax as required by law.

The investigations set to commence soon were confirmed by Munira Ali, the IGG Spokesperson.

Munira said the first meeting was held between the IGG and the petitioner, Dick Kimeze, to basically understand the ground and the issues raised by the petitioner before investigations into Bagyenda’s alleged tax evasion can begin. She said the second meeting is scheduled before investigations can begin.

Earlier this month, it was reported that Mr Kimeze reported Ms Bagyenda to IGG for non-payment of taxes.

Ms Bagyenda had of recent come under attack from some members of the public on the manner she attained wealth. She is said to be one of the richest ladies in the country with property in leafy suburbs of Kampala and surrounding areas.

Mid this year Ms. Bagyenda came under criticism for allegedly failing to enforce her mandate, something her critics said had led to the closure of a couple of commercial banks including the Crane Bank, that is now under receivership.

Also, at about the same time reports indicated that the Inspectorate of Government (IGG) was set to begin investigations into allegations that Ms. Bagyenda made incorrect declarations contrary to the Leadership Code, 2002.

According to sources speaking on condition of anonymity, officials from the IGG’s office were set to meet with city lawyer Dennis Nyombi, to ascertain whether Ms. Bagyenda made false declarations about her assets including land and houses.

Among the property she allegedly falsely-declared are houses in the leafy suburbs of Ntinda, Naguru, Bugolobi and Kulambiro.

“When I wrote the letter I got confirmation from the IGG and I was to get an appointment with the official handling the matter but later on the person went abroad and we have now scheduled between 10th  and 20th  to meet,” lawyer Nyombi, who is representing ‘whistleblower’ Dick Kimeze, said.

In his allegations, Mr. Kimeze also avers that the properties owned by Ms. Bagyenda are way above what she has earned during her employment over the years.

The IGG spokesperson Ali Munira confirmed their office had received the petition against Ms Bagyenda.

“Some lawyer wrote requesting for a meeting to discuss the wealth of the lady (Bagyenda); the meeting has not taken place,” Ms. Munira said on phone then.

Ms. Bagyenda has not commented on the matter.

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