Black Wall Street Economic War house official opening pushed to November

Black Wall Street Economic War house official opening pushed to November

The opening of the Black Wall Street (BWS) House has been moved to the same day as the Start of Season 2 of the Economic War with Charles N Lambert Show which begins on the 1st Monday of November, 2/11/20 for another 13 weeks and 26 Episodes.

Many African celebrities have called on Africans to join the Movement and liberate Africa together.

“BWS is a reality and it is the First Economic Revolution for Africa. I can’t thank you enough beloved brother Sir Charles N. Lambert Thank you for believing in me and Africa. Home after home in East Africa, my apartment for the next 3 months working for Africa, Africa First,” Umar said.

“The disparity in wealth comes from the profits made by the producers.

So if the producers profits are reduced to give capital for projects, we will have transformative industrialization, massive job creation with rekindled and vibrant economies.

If the producers refuse to reduce the profits, we place alternative products that will ensure investment points are available for constant economic stimulus.

Of the increase of this Economic Module, there shall be No End. Africa First,” Charles N. Lambert said.

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