Badman’s Music Reviews
Gal You Know: This love song expresses the feeling or how much one can love besides what we go through on a daily basis especially looking for bread to put on the table. A chorus simply goes!!Girl u know, when i love, i wanna touch wanna feel the love of my life,,come and rejoice the wife of my choice. I Can See Many Girls Bt It Takes Time To See A lover
That’s Why I Say In My Verses That Obulungi Bwolina Tosakulunya,Oyakaayaka Osinga N” Engjuba.Wolokoso Abaddemungi Nosilika,Olwensaalwa,Nti Ndaba Bangi Jjempitila Nemukidonngo Gjenkola Abanetanila,Kituffu Balungi Naye Omukwano Tebayina. Enjoy the video below
Jah Jah Bless: This song means one who has been blessed by Jah (God) no one can curse and prosperity is what i want it’s a reality, we dont treat them rudely but they wish us calamity, fire(God) burn the enemies’ negativity. We work hard, we don’t wait for charity, with bad mind we go no where on the battle field i fear no man but Jah almighty only i fear. Babylon cheer up when we cry then cry and stress we party……………….
Mama: This is a special song to all the mothers. The chorus goes by: this goes to you mama, this comes from e mama, i give thanks to you have nothing to pay just to say you are so wonderful so careful. The singer talks about what a mother goes through from the first month to the ninth and after that the struggle continues whether poor or rich but all mothers go through the same. He talks of how the mothers are very important and children should do everything possible to protect and be there for them. Mothers teach their children everything and help them in future. Click below to listen to the video