Actress Maggie Kiyingi talks about her acting experience
One of Uganda’s most promising actresses is having some of her dreams come true. Maggie Kiyingi had all along wanted to act but she had to wait till late last year.
Ever since then, she has acted in two consecutive films; ‘Dream America’ and ‘Intimacy’. She told this website about her acting experience so far in her second film ‘Intimacy’ set for release this year.
Maggie Kiyingi
SB: What has been your acting experience so far?
Maggie Kiyingi: It’s such great experience, it all started like a dream but having acted out my role well in the first movie that I did. Doing a second movie feels like I am home again. This time no pressure because now i have experienced what it takes starring in a movie. I also feel so humbled to be part of “Intimacy” my second movie now after “Dream America” it’s a huge project with the best director Eric Emokor.
SB: What should we expect from your actions?

Maggie Kiyingi: A lot of lessons to learn about life. A lot drama, emotions, excitement and agony. True life experiences…
Maggie Kiyingi in one of the film acts
SB: What’s your message to film lovers and your fans?
Maggie Kiyingi: Lets all watch out for “Intimacy” which is coming out soon, a Ugandan Production that is yet to cross borders to Hollywood. It’s educative, interesting and eye catching. In this movie, expect to see me as one hell of a supporting friend…. Trust me you don’t want to miss it!!!
Maggie Kiyingi (2nd from R) with the crew
SB: What is Intimacy film about?
Maggie Kiyingi: Basically the movie intimacy is about a family affair that faces different tests of life. I am Liz in this movie and I happen to be the best friend of Aggie, a wife that has to go through very difficult trials with her husband because of a mistress’s influence on the husband. So people should expect a lot of lessons to learn about life. A lot drama, emotions, excitement and agony. True life experiences. It’s going to be a great film. I would like to send shout outs to Elma Richards and Amon who also featured and starred in the movie as Aggie and Paul. You guys are the best.